Garden for the children is the German term that kindergarten is derived from. In Coomera, kindergarten is the specially designed educational program for children to help their seamless transition to formal education.

Kindergarten, Coomera provides the best transition place for children from their home to a school setting. The daily activities such as singing, storytelling, playing, drawing and more are designed to help develop the social, learning, and fine motor skills of the children.

The freedom of kindergarten, Coomera from affiliations make them ideal settings for very young children between the ages of 3-6 years old. While attending a kindergarten, Coomera is not mandatory, yet, highly preferred, if parents want their children to have top-quality preschool education for their children.

Multiple early childhood education studies consistently show that children are in a better place academically, emotionally, and socially when they are equipped with preschool education.

The same studies reveal that brain-boosting happens only during a child’s early years. This finding makes it imperative for children to attend kindergarten before they are launched into formal primary education.

The importance of kindergarten has made it a pre-requisite requirement for many primary schools in Coomera. The top benefits provided by a good kindergarten include:

  • Learn the art of making friends
  • Counting, reading, and writing activities help develop the children’s academic skills
  • Makes children more receptive to new ideas and concepts
  • Learn to cooperate and coordinate with their peers
  • Helps to boost the children’s confidence levels
  • Helps develop the children’s language skills through storytelling and reading
  • Makes children more aware of their environment
  • Helps to develop and improve children’s communication skills
  • Learns to respect and understand the feelings of other people
  • Develops the children’s creativity through dance, art, and drawing activities

How an ideal kindergarten should look

Parents have different concepts about how an ideal should look like. Yet, educators and parents basically agree that an ideal kindergarten should:

Provide an environment that fosters a love of writing, books, and reading

An ideal kindergarten should have children’s drawings and writings plastered on its walls. A mini-library packed full of children’s books should be a familiar sight.

Minimise long-sitting activities

An environment of small group settings featuring hands-on and play-based activities qualify as an ideal kindergarten. Long-sitting activities for larger groups of children are introduced as the year progresses. This is to prepare children’s transition to the 1st grade.

Encourage problem-solving and thought organisation learning activities

Boosted confidence and self-esteem levels happen when children are encouraged to solve challenging tasks in a group activity. Being able to come up with a solution helps children to work with others while enhancing their intelligence.

Combines child-initiated and teacher-initiated learning activities

Teachers assigning projects and investigations first to a small group before encouraging individual activities help to enhance social and intellectual skills. Activities initiated by teachers encourage children to later initiate discovery activities on their own or with a group of peers.

A bright and sunny introduction to kindergarten is what parents ideally want for their children. However, parents should also remember that there is no perfect preschool program. Yet, the consolation is that some kindergarten programs are better than others. Find out more about the best kindergarten programs by contacting us at Saint Stephens Private School.


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