TRAVEL WORKING – It takes a little ‘more time available, the training experience is assured and also the opportunity to experience the places of travel as they live the premises, in an authentic and profound.

Here are the alternatives to spend your holidays, traveling, but not too much . 


– The salary is usually appetizing and the possibility of moving by sea to the most beautiful places on the globe is even more tempting. Enlisting as a crew member you will have to work hard, but you will also have time for a dip in the blue and or to enjoy unique moments of a seafarers’ journey. You do not necessarily need to be experienced sailors, there is the kitchen staff, the cleaning staff and in general the tasks vary depending on the size of the boat. Only must: do not suffer from seasickness. Several sites take care of recruiting crews for yachts and superyachts, to get an idea visit

Au pair – A little ‘time available, spirit of adaptation and you’re done. Traveling on an equal footing you have the opportunity to spend the trip and live in contact with the locals. It remains available to know the place, make friends and maybe attend a language course. offers advice on where to find the best agencies that deal with au pair jobs, while au pair world is the database with the best opportunities to work as an au pair .  Volunteering –  

Do something good for yourself and others. Volunteering abroad is also a way to get to know a foreign country and the people who live there, bringing home a unique experience of life and travel. Labor camps, usually lasting two weeks, allow savings on board and lodging but include the payment of transport costs and the registration fee for the association that organizes the camps. The Civil Service abroad  is the best option for those under the age of 28 and wants to take a sabbatical year earning even a decent salary. Less paid but equally interesting, although it allows the Evs to travel above all across Europe. Alternatively you can take advantage of your professional skills by volunteering during the holidays or in a period of leave from work. On, there are hundreds of volunteer opportunities around the world

Wwoofing – The acronym is the English acronym of World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms and stems from the desire to raise awareness of the world of volunteering and that of organic farms. In exchange for 4-6 hours of average daily work you get food and lodging. The time is left to explore the places and immerse yourself in the local culture, having improved their knowledge about the land, the plants and the ways to produce natural and genuine products. The wwoofing is also an international organization so there is the possibility to travel to distant places and in the south of the world where to learn how to build a mud house or a well. A minimum period of stay in the farm is usually not necessary.

Tourist guides – In this case not only do not spend money to travel, but you are paid and not bad for tourists abroad. To be hired as a tourist guide, some skills are certainly necessary , including fluent knowledge of at least one language in addition to Italian or practical skills related to sports, such as trekking or mountaineering, or a particular task. Agencies like Explore Adventure Holidays often hire people as tour guides around the world, although the best time to apply is certainly well in advance of the start of the summer season. 


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