What is a Daycare Paddington All About?
The term “daycare” is very familiar to many parents in Paddington. However, the familiarity of the term does not necessarily mean that parents understand what a daycare Paddington brings to the table.
What is a Daycare?
A reputable daycare Paddington typically offers nurturing for children from birth to 8 years old. The various classroom settings provided by a good daycare Paddington are designed to cater to different age groups of children.
Additional spaces in a daycare Paddington are used for outdoor play or preparing food. A reputable daycare only hires qualified educators and caregivers to care for and educate children according to their ages. This means teachers and caregivers will be following the guidelines of the state as they work with infants, toddlers, and even school-age kids.
Many daycares typically do not follow the paths of a traditional curriculum. The schedule created and developed by the various daycares today includes play-based learning, mealtime, naptime, playtime, and reading time. This type of academic schedule is perfectly suited for very young children.
Best of all, daycare centres operate the same working schedules as parents. It means that the daycare will be operating from 6:30am to 6:30pm, Monday to Friday. The rate a daycare charges depend on the working schedule of parents. Late pickups are charged additional fees, making it important for parents to choose the daycare that works with their schedule.
What about licenses?
Only state-licensed daycares are allowed to operate. While qualifications for daycares vary by state, the important things a daycare needs to meet include:
- Comply with requirements related to their employees. This includes certifications, background checks, and training. Some daycare centres only hire employees who have an early childhood development education.
- Comply with state ratios when it comes to staffing. For instance, six toddlers or four infants watched over by one teacher is the state regulation standard.
- Comply with all state safety and health requirements.
Meeting the license requirements of the state is the only way for a daycare to operate. The license of a daycare plays an important role in assuring parents of the safety of their children left in their care.
Should Accreditation be part of the equation?
A daycare meeting accreditation from nationally recognised agencies should be one of the important things parents have to find out when hunting for one. The strict set of qualifications imposed by national agencies on daycares include:
- Specific items that should be in a classroom setting. The specified items required by accreditation agencies must support the play and learning of the children.
- Since mealtime is part of a daycare curriculum, accreditation demands that the required standard of nutrition must be met by the daycare.
- A daycare is seen as a voluntary form of business that promises to provide the highest commitment to childcare and education. The rigorous standards set by accreditation bodies have produced fewer accredited daycare centres.
Other than the license, parents are advised to check out the accreditation of potential daycares to make the choice right at all times.
Daycare vs. Pre-school
Less emphasis on academics with a program to take care of children from ages 0 to 8 years are the top things provided by a daycare facility. Daycare offers parents a safe environment for their kids to play and learn social, emotional, and cognitive skills while they work.
Contact us to learn about Paddington’s childcare options.